Specialist For

  • Endourology – Stone Disease of Kidney, Ureter & Bladder (Mini PCNL, URS, RIRS, LASER Lithotripsy, USG Guided ESWL) Prostatic Diseases   (TURP, Bipolar TURP, Laser Prostatectomy, HoLEP, OIU)
  • Laparoscopic Genitourinary Surgeries – Redical Prostatectomy/Nephrectomy, Pyeloplasty
  • Uro-Oncology – TURBT, Partial / Redical Nephrectomy, Redical Prostatectomy, Cystectomy with Neo-Bladder
  • Sexual & Infertility Disorders – Erectile Dysfunction, Microsurgery for varicocele, VEA, Penile Implant
  • Reconstructive Surgery – Urethroplasty
  • Renal Replacement Therapy – Renal Transplant, CAPD, AV Fistula, Perma Catheterization
  • Robotic Surgeries – Partial / Redical Nephrectomy, Redical Prostatectomy, Cystectomy, Pyeloplasty