What is penile cancer?

Penile cancer is a rare disease in developed countries, in Europe affects 1 / 100,000. However, it represents 10% of neoplasms in developing countries. The vast majority of penile cancers belong to the squamous cell carcinoma variety.

Causes of cancer in the penis

The cause of penile cancer is unknown, but it is often associated with conditions that favour its appearance.

  • Poor hygienic conditions.
  • Phimosis. Penile cancer is rare among Jews and Muslims because they circumcise all boys. We also know that circumcision at an early age of life reduces the risk in a very significant way.
  • Papilloma virus (HPV) infection. They probably have the highest risk factor for penile cancer. Being the types, 16, 18, 31.33, the most frequently found in this type of cancer.
  • The smokers. Patients who are carriers of the aforementioned viruses also have a higher risk of suffering from this disease if they are smokers.
  • Male partners of women with cervical neoplasia. As well as those with cervical neck injuries, caused by HPV.

Symptoms of penile cancer

The most common symptoms and signs of penile cancer  are :

  • Presence of a reddened and rough area on the penis that is bulging and growing. In general, they are fast-growing. It is often impressive how advanced the injury is.
  • Irritation of an area of ​​the penis or thickening of part of the foreskin.
  • The appearance of a wart with a tendency to grow.
  • Lesions that give off an unpleasant odour or that also produce bloody discharge or pus.
  • Pain in the penis.
  • Lymph increased size inguinal.

How the diagnosis of penile cancer is made 

To establish a diagnosis, we use the following means:

  • Simple direct observation of the lesion. Almost 75% of cases are diagnosed.
  • Biopsy of the lesion. In other words, take a sample through an incision of the entire lesion for an anatomopathological study. It is essential to always perform it in the event of a suspicious injury.
  • RNM of the penis. It helps to see the extent and depth of the injury.
  • Inguinal lymph node studyChest and abdominal tac. It is used to help assess the extension.

Types of cancer 

There are several types such as:

Squamous cell cancer of the penis

It is the most common of penile cancers. Approximately 50% of cases are located on the glans, 30% on the skin of the penis and 20% on the foreskin.

Warty carcinoma of the penis

Other types of cancer in the penis

Adenocarcinoma, melanoma and basal cell carcinoma and sarcoma of the penis that are very rare.

Penile Cancer Treatment 

Early diagnosis is the most important weapon, therefore, before any persistent penile injury and with a tendency to grow, the biopsy should be considered as the first movement.

The prognosis and penile cancer treatment in Noida, Ghaziabad, Delhi depends on how advanced the disease is. In initial cases, when a small lesion is still present, simple surgical resection is sufficient. In addition, in this initial phase, the intervention can be performed under local anaesthesia, leaving almost no scar.

However, when the disease is progressing and sometimes it is very fast, it is necessary to take more aggressive measures. These measures can range from a simple partial penectomy to a total penectomy, with lymphadenectomy.

In advanced cases, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are effective penile cancer treatment in Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad.