Erectile Dysfunction is a fairly common problem among men over the age of 40 and forces them to seek erectile dysfunction treatment in Noida, Ghaziabad, erectile dysfunction may depend on particular physical conditions (e.g. diabetes, arteriosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, etc.), the use of certain medicines, psychological problems (e.g. depression, anxiety, etc.) and other causes (e.g., alcohol abuse, drug use, smoking, etc.).

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to obtain and/or maintain an ‘ erection satisfactory, even in the presence of a good sexual desire.

An accurate diagnosis of erectile dysfunction is always based on an accurate physical examination and a scrupulous medical history.

The erectile dysfunction treatment in Ghaziabad, Noida includes a causal therapy, that is aimed at treating the cause at the origin of the erection problems, and asymptomatic therapy, whose goal is to help the patient to have an erection or penile transplant surgery.


The phenomenon of the erection of the penis (or penile erection) is a spinal reflex, which involves the greater flow of blood to the cavernous arteries (and therefore to the corpora cavernosa) and the consequent increase in turgor and size of the penis.

During a penile erection, if the blood supply to the corpora cavernosa is correct, the penis is also raised; if, on the other hand, the aforementioned blood flow is less than the actual capacity of the corpora cavernosa, elevation, hardening, and size increase of the penis are limited.

Penile erection is a complex physiological response, which reflects the state of male sexual arousal and depends on a perfect integration of vascular, endocrine (or hormonal), neurological, muscular, and emotional mechanisms.

What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to have or maintain an ‘ erection of the penis, even when you have a good sex drive.

Among men, the presence of erectile dysfunction is a source of embarrassment and can have a markedly negative impact on the tone of their mood, on their relationship with their partner, and on their quality of life in general.

Is erectile dysfunction and impotence the same thing?

According to some currents of thought, the term impotence is synonymous with erectile dysfunction; according to others, instead, it includes a wide and varied spectrum of sexual disorders, which concern the ability to have a penile erection, the phenomenon of ejaculation, the orgasmic phase and so on.


Erectile dysfunction is a very common condition, especially among older men.

The most reliable statistical surveys report that:

  • About half of men aged 40 to 70 suffer from some degree of erectile dysfunction;
  • About 10% of men aged 40 to 70 suffer from severe erectile dysfunction;
  • Only 5-10% of men under 40 are victims of erectile dysfunction;
  • In India, men suffering from erection problems are about 15-20% of the entire male population.


The causes of erectile dysfunction are numerous; in fact, a more or less marked incapacity of penile erection may depend on certain medical conditions (physical causes), the use of certain medicines, specific psychic conditions (psychological causes), and other additional circumstances (other causes).

sexologist in Ghaziabad

Physical causes of erectile dysfunction

Sexologist in Noida distinguishes five types of physical causes:

  • The traumatic physical causes. They include all the circumstances in which to cause an inability to erect is a trauma to the penis.
  • Erectile dysfunction resulting from trauma to the penis is also called post-traumatic erectile dysfunction.
  • The vascular physical causes. They include all medical conditions that compromise the flow of blood to the penis.
  • Erectile dysfunction due to these conditions is called vasculogenic erectile dysfunction.
  • The neurological physical causes. They enclose all medical conditions that compromise the health of the nervous system and its control action on the penis.
  • Erectile dysfunction resulting from these conditions is called neurogenic erectile dysfunction.
  • The hormonal physical causes. This typology of causes belongs to all the medical conditions that alter the production of the hormones involved in the penile erection phenomenon.
  • Erectile dysfunction due to these conditions is also called hormonal erectile dysfunction.
  • The anatomical physical causes. They include all medical conditions that involve anatomical alteration of the penis.
  • Erectile dysfunction dependent on these conditions is better known as anatomical erectile dysfunction.


According to the best sexologist in Noida, 15-25% of men suffering from severe trauma to the head of the penis would develop erectile dysfunction.

Sexologist in Ghaziabad also considers erectile dysfunction resulting from damage to the penis post-traumatic, which can occur inadvertently during genital surgeries.


Examples of vascular conditions that may cause erectile dysfunction are: cardiovascular diseases (e.g., atherosclerosis, heart diseases, etc.), L ‘ hypertension, and diabetes with its complications.


Among the neurological causes of erectile dysfunction include multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, injury to the spinal cord, and stroke and its complications.


Typical examples of hormonal conditions that can cause erectile dysfunction are: hypogonadism, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and Cushing’s syndrome.


The most well-known anatomical anomaly capable of determining erectile dysfunction is the so-called Peyronie’s disease.

Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction

As stated in the initial introduction, mechanisms of an emotional nature also act on erection capacity. Thus, the possibility of having or not having a good erection also depends, to a certain extent, on the psyche.

Specified this, doctors consider psychological causes of erectile dysfunction:

  • The Depression. Prolonged periods of low mood, sadness, etc. can affect the ability to erect even in a profound way;
  • Situations of distress, worry, fear, etc are potential causes of anxiety;
  • Emotional problems or traumas, which may arise from:
  • Relationship problems;
  • History of one or more sexual abuse;
  • Sexual inexperience;
  • History of sexual disorders or dysfunctions;
  • Start of a new relationship.

Symptoms and complications

The typical symptomatic picture of erectile dysfunction includes difficulty in getting an erection, difficulty in maintaining an erection, a decrease in sexual desire, and a lack of the so-called night penile tumescence phenomenon.

Sometimes, depending on the triggering causes, these symptoms are added: problems of ejaculation and difficulty to orgasm.

What is night penile tumescence?

The penile nocturnal tumescence is the spontaneous penile erection, which takes place during sleep (especially during the REM phase) or upon awakening from it.

In a man without erectile dysfunction, the duration and frequency of episodes of night penile tumescence vary with age: in a 15-year-old adolescent, an average of 4 episodes are recorded per night and the duration of these is about 30 minutes; in a 70-year-old man, on the other hand, there are only 2 episodes per night on average and their duration is definitely less than half an hour.


If incurable or not treated properly, erectile dysfunction can have an extremely negative impact on the lives of the men concerned; in fact, it can be a reason for:

  • Unsatisfying sex life;
  • Stress, anxiety, and/or panic;
  • Strong embarrassment and/or low self-esteem;
  • Relationship problems;
  • Inability to impregnate the partner, to have a child.

When should I go to the sexologist in Noida?

Erectile dysfunction deserves special medical attention if:

  • It is associated with episodes of premature or delayed ejaculation;
  • It appears in the presence of medical conditions such as diabetes or heart disease;
  • It is associated with a particular symptom picture, which suggests the presence of some disease.

Care and Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Noida, Ghaziabad

For erectile dysfunction treatment in Noida, Ghaziabad, the doctor must plan an adequate causal therapy, that is a therapy against the cause that causes erection deficits.

Therefore, based on some factors (e.g.: patient’s health, the severity of erectile dysfunction, etc.), and also on the basis of the same cause, he can add a sort of symptomatic treatment to the aforementioned causal therapy, which helps the individual with problems having an erection more easily; in other words, symptomatic treatment acts as a support to the patient’s sexual life.

Examples of symptomatic therapy

  • If erectile dysfunction depends on a deficiency of the testosterone hormone (hypogonadism), the causal treatment consists of a hormone replacement therapy based on synthetic testosterone.
  • If erectile dysfunction results from the presence of diabetes, the causal therapy consists in the careful control, with all the appropriate drugs, of the glycemia.
  • If erectile dysfunction is the result of heart disease, causal treatment involves treating this disease (in this case, the treatment options are numerous and vary according to the cardiac pathology present).
  • If erectile dysfunction depends on smoking, alcohol abuse, and/or drug use, causal therapy involves radically changing lifestyles in favor of a healthy one.
  • If erectile dysfunction has psychological causes, causal treatment may consist of a form of sex therapy (e.g., so-called sensory focus) and/or so-called cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy.