urologist in Noida
urologist in Noida

Many people still believe that the urologist is a doctor who only takes care of men’s health, but this is a mistake. Various diseases, many of them common to women, such as urinary tract infection, for example, can and should be treated by this specialist. He is responsible for ensuring the health and proper functioning of the urinary tract of adults, men, women, children or the elderly.

Any problem involving the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra can be treated by the urologist in Ghaziabad. Urinary loss, pain or discomfort when urinating, presence of blood in the urine or pain in the kidneys are warning signs that it is time for the woman to seek help from this specialist. This visit is important so that the urologist in Noida can make a careful assessment of what may be happening and early to detect potentially more serious problems, such as bladder or kidney cancer.

The most common urological diseases in women that can be treated by the best urologist in Noida are:

Urinary infections: caused by bacteria, the main symptoms are burning to urinate, urge to urinate several times during the day, urinary bleeding, urine with strong odor and color and pelvic pain;

Urinary incontinence: it is the involuntary loss of urine. This usually occurs when a person sneezes, coughs, or makes some physical effort. But it can also be associated with a very strong urge to urinate that makes the person unable to “hold” the urine until they reach the bathroom;

Bladder cancer: it is one of the most common types of cancer of the urinary tract and the 19th most frequent among women, according to the National Cancer Institute (Inca). Blood in the urine, painful urination and frequent urge to go to the bathroom are the most common symptoms of the disease. In this case, monitoring with a urologist is essential;

Kidney cancer: the kidneys are organs located at the back of the abdomen, close to the spine, whose main function is to “filter” the blood and clean it from “impurities”. In general, localized and small tumors rarely cause symptoms and most of them are diagnosed through an image exam (ultrasound or computed tomography), requested for another reason. The main symptoms of the disease are: bleeding in the urine (hematuria), low back or abdominal pain and the presence of a palpable mass in the abdomen.