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Swelling of the testicle – after impact and for some other reason

Testicular swelling can be the result of an impact or other mechanical injury, but it can also be caused by one of the male diseases, e.g., inflammation of the testis, hydrocele, testicular torsion, and even testicular cancer. Swelling of the testis or both testicles can also be a symptom of wearing too tight underwear or having a very active sex life. Treatment depends on the factor that causes testicular edema.

What is testicular edema?

The testicles are the even sex organ of a man. They are in the scrotum. The most important task of the testicles is the production of spermatozoa to fertilize the egg. They are a very sensitive organ that can easily be damaged or mechanically injured. Sometimes there are various ailments coming from the testis or both testes. Swollen testicles are one of them.

Swelling of the testicles or one testicle may occur in a child, adolescent, young or mature man. It looks like one or both testicles are clearly enlarged. This image can additionally be accompanied by, for example, testicular pain (or both), redness of the skin in this area, a feeling of pulling or heaviness.

Testicular swelling can be due to a variety of reasons. It can be caused by various diseases, including mumps, testicular cancer, testicular hydrocele, or orchitis. This condition can also be caused by trauma, testicular damage, staying at very high temperatures for a long time, or prolonged and intense sexual intercourse.

How is testicular edema manifested?

Due to the fact that the testicles are very well vascularized and supplied with blood, all changes that occur within them can be quickly noticed and felt in the hands by self-testing the testicles. Of course, not all deviations from the norm will be possible to register from the moment they appear in the organ, but systematic testicular analysis combined with self-examination definitely helps to quickly detect alarming symptoms and diagnose possible diseases of this reproductive organ in a man.

Swelling of the testicle or both caused by inflammation of this organ (s), apart from swelling of the testicles, is also characterized by high pain in the perineum and warming of the scrotum. The swelling and hardness of one testicle not combined with its pain may be symptoms of testicular hydrocele. In turn, the torsion of the spermatic cord can be determined by the growing edema of this organ along with very severe pain, redness, and sometimes also nausea and vomiting. On the other hand, if swelling and testicular pain cease after going to a prone position, this may suggest an inguinal hernia. Symptoms of testicular cancer, in addition to asymmetrical edema, are also nodules or a lump and usually no pain.

Causes of swollen testicles

As already mentioned, swelling of the testicle can be caused by various diseases, which are generally referred to as male.

Swelling of the testicle in a child is very often associated with testicular hydrocele (this is the accumulation of fluid under the skin, between the visceral membrane and the wall membrane) or mumps, in the complication of which may swell this organ together with e.g. severe testicular pain radiating even to the stomach and fever. Both hydrocele and mumps complications can also occur in an adult male.

Pain and swelling of the testicle can result, for example, from inflammation of the testicles or epididymis. The inflammation of the male reproductive organs arises as a result of the action of pathogenic microorganisms, a bacterial infection of the urinary system, or the attack of microorganisms that contribute to infection with gonorrhoea, chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases.

What else can cause swollen testicles? The causes of this condition are also testicular torsion, testicular cancer, chronic prostatitis, varicocele, inguinal hernia, or filariosis.

Swollen testicles after surgery

Scrotal edema after a hernia operation is a natural reaction of the body after the procedure. Swelling of the inguinal canal tissues is a symptom resulting from the loss of the possibility of an outflow of blood from the testicle. However, it is enough to apply compresses from the anti-swelling preparation and to lift the scrotum bag to stave off the problem.

Likewise, it may also appear swollen hydrocele after surgery, or after surgery for varicose veins or after a vasectomy. If the symptom does not go away on its own or after symptomatic treatment, seek medical attention.

Injury, pressure on the testicle (caused by wearing too tight underwear), impact on the testicles (e.g. as a result of an accident or kick) can also be causes of edema. Swelling of the testicle after impact can even lead to temporary or complete infertility.

In addition, a large number of sex acts in a short period of time can also cause swelling of the scrotum.

Treatment of swollen testicles

What to do if testicular edema occurs? Treatment is the cause of this organ’s edema. Swelling of the testicles alone is not treated because it is not a symptom that occurs in isolation from the causes of this condition. Hence, the therapeutic method depends on the factor that causes testicular swelling.

In the case of testicular edema, caused by hydrocele of the testis, the therapeutic method chosen most often is urological surgery. Similar procedures are usually used for torsion of the spermatic cord.

Medication, including antibiotic therapy, is the most common treatment for orchitis or epididymitis. Antiparasitic treatment is the choice for filariasis, in difficult cases, surgery is performed.

If testicular swelling is caused by testicular cancer, the treatment depends on the stage of the disease, possible metastases of cancer to further organs and the type of histopathological cancer.

The method of treatment should be decided by the best urologist in Noida caring for the patient. He also makes a diagnosis, which is the basis for choosing the therapeutic method.